Loose Leash Walking with High Distractions
It can be done! The other weekend we had another Courteous Canines group class. Our goal for this class was to walk through a few dogs keeping your dog on a loose leash. Loker used to react very strongly on leash so it was such a relief to see that it was possible to walk…
Practice Makes Perfect – or almost!
I don’t think you can really practice too much as long as you give your dog breaks. This past weekend I went to my little (high school senior) brother’s soccer game. My family was in town and I wanted to join them on the field. I knew this would be a great opportunity to work…
It’s Okay to Make Mistakes
I’m always learning and I never want to stop learning – why? Because I know there is always a way to do something better. And this doesn’t just apply to dog training! I recently tried to teach Loker a few more foundations for a proper heel. He knows how to heel, but this exercise will…
Guest Post: Using Positive Techniques with Hunting Dogs
Mallory Robinson is a good friend of mine who has experience and success in hunting dog training. Naturally, when someone came to me asking what positive techniques can work to train hunting dogs, I said I would as her! Here is the question and Mallory’s answer: Question: Someone contacted me about having no choice but…
Bicycling with Your Dog
While working on Loker’s leash manners, I needed to find a way to exercise him without having to walk him on a leash. My solution: bicycling with my dog! It is so much fun and he took to it like a natural. He gets to stretch his legs in a way that wouldn’t be possible…
Guest Post: Alpha vs. Dominance vs. Training Relationship
Alpha vs. Dominance vs. Training Relationship I was recently asked by a fellow dog trainer if I’ve ever used positive reinforcement training methods on any animals other than dogs. She was thrilled when I responded that yes, I’ve trained horses this way as well. Everyone loves horses. Including Ines. In fact she rode horses and…
A Whole Different View
A video of Cesar Millan is going around the internet right now of him training a dog. Thought I’d give it a look and sure enough it was an episode I had previously watched back before I had crossed over. I was surprised at my reaction. With all the new knowledge on dog behavior and…
Coming When Called
Last week I went to Loker’s second group training class “Courteous Canines” taught by the talented Stacy Greer (who will guest post soon!) of Adventures in Canine Training (http://aictdfw.com). I had a friend record some of the class so that I could share with you all! Recently I had a request to talk about training…