FMBB 2012 Tracking and Protection
I know there has been a lot of interest in incorporating positive reinforcement techniques into highly competitive dog sports. I want to share this video to that everyone can see that it is possible to use it and WIN! Chock chains, shock collars, or force are NOT necessary when it comes to intense dog sports and this man and dog are living proof!
Tracking lasts until about 7 minutes in to the video, then protection starts. Wonder watch if you have a few minutes!
Mario Verslijpe and Hasco Van de Duvetorre competing at the worldchampionships FMBB ( Belgian sheperds ) in Rome. A: 97 B : 98 C : 94. Later Mario won the finals : B 98 and C : 97,5 ( not on this video ). He became worldchampion for the 4th time : two times worldchampion FCI All breeds with his former dog Yagus van de Duvetorre and one time FMBB with Yagus. And now he managed to win the worldtitel again with his young dog ( only 3,5 years old ) Hasco Van de Duvetorre.
Clicker Training for Cats!
I just recently adopted a young cat named Minnie Mouse. I agreed to foster her and her two-week old kittens until they got adopted, but tragically all the kittens passed away and she was the only one left. She grew on me and I knew her shyness wouldn’t help get her adopted at adoption days so…
Quick Update on Loker’s Reactivity
Something awesome happened today on our walk! We were practicing loose leash walking again and a big man was approaching us on the same side of the sidewalk. I was letting him have a short potty break as this guy passed us. Before, Loker would have probably barked at him and what not, but this…
Loose Leash Walking Update
Loose leash walking is a bit of a challenge for every dog. After all, what dog can resist the smells and sights of the world without the proper motivation?! I was having a bit of an issue because at points in the walk Loker would ignore the clicker and ignore anything I said. It was…
Why Not Shock?
There are many dog training methods available to the public, but just like any professional service, you should do your research when it comes to hiring someone to work with your family and dog. Shock collar trainers have incredible marketing schemes and an ability to make shock collars seem comfortable and normal for any dog.…
What is your dog communicating? A Guide to Calming Signals

Ever wonder how a dog trainer figures out how the dog is feeling? Calming signals are behaviors a dog may display to another animal or human when stressed or made uncomfortable for any reason. Usual calming signals are: Lip Licking Yawning Head turns Sniffing Play bows Sitting Freezing in Place Closed mouth Tight, concerned brows…
Clicker training isn’t just for dogs!
Did you know that clicker training is used for all kinds of species? Clicker training works with natural thought processes for all animals. I have a pet rat that I am going to starting to clicker trainer this summer. Her name is Fivel and she is 1.5 years old. She has no experience being trained…
Dog Parks are for People!
During the first few months I had Loker, I took him to dog parks in hopes that it would diminish his frustration on leash. I knew he was frustrated on leash because he wanted to go see other dogs. He often got compliments at the dog park about how polite he was with other dogs. He never…