Why Not Shock?
There are many dog training methods available to the public, but just like any professional service, you should do your research when it comes to hiring someone to work with your family and dog. Shock collar trainers have incredible marketing schemes and an ability to make shock collars seem comfortable and normal for any dog.…
Clicker training isn’t just for dogs!
Did you know that clicker training is used for all kinds of species? Clicker training works with natural thought processes for all animals. I have a pet rat that I am going to starting to clicker trainer this summer. Her name is Fivel and she is 1.5 years old. She has no experience being trained…
Loose Leash Walking with High Distractions
It can be done! The other weekend we had another Courteous Canines group class. Our goal for this class was to walk through a few dogs keeping your dog on a loose leash. Loker used to react very strongly on leash so it was such a relief to see that it was possible to walk…
Practice Makes Perfect – or almost!
I don’t think you can really practice too much as long as you give your dog breaks. This past weekend I went to my little (high school senior) brother’s soccer game. My family was in town and I wanted to join them on the field. I knew this would be a great opportunity to work…
It’s Okay to Make Mistakes
I’m always learning and I never want to stop learning – why? Because I know there is always a way to do something better. And this doesn’t just apply to dog training! I recently tried to teach Loker a few more foundations for a proper heel. He knows how to heel, but this exercise will…
Guest Post: Alpha vs. Dominance vs. Training Relationship
Alpha vs. Dominance vs. Training Relationship I was recently asked by a fellow dog trainer if I’ve ever used positive reinforcement training methods on any animals other than dogs. She was thrilled when I responded that yes, I’ve trained horses this way as well. Everyone loves horses. Including Ines. In fact she rode horses and…
A Whole Different View

A video of Cesar Millan is going around the internet right now of him training a dog. Thought I’d give it a look and sure enough it was an episode I had previously watched back before I had crossed over. I was surprised at my reaction. With all the new knowledge on dog behavior and…
Reflections from the Crossover Trainer
After a few years working with people and their dogs and teaching them the “wrong” info, I am feeling a bit down. There is no way to go back in time and teach them these new strategies. I only hope that I have not completely ruined the lives of the dogs I worked with and…