How to Address Constant Whining from Your Dog

About a week ago Loker had, what I can only describe as, a nervous break down. Loker began whining insistently anytime we were home, but not around him. One night, he was even up at 6am whining for about 30 minutes. We restrained from telling him to be quiet just incase it was attention seeking…
Lessons from My Leash Reactive Dog, Loker

Ah the challenges of training a reactive dog… I’ll start by saying, “It’s easier said than done.” As a trainer, I know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy! It’s been hard, but it’s also been fun! That’s what I love about positive reinforcement based…
A Message From Your Dog
Sometimes it’s good to step away from all the mumbo-jumbo and look at your dog with a fresh perspective. “I Am Your Dog” created by Casey Lomonaco,, 2013 Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad
Why I Was Rude to My Neighbor Today

Its official! We’ve moved to Austin, TX! I’m happy to be back where I grew up because I love this city. Both the dogs are getting time to romp around in our large backyard and they are having a blast with the two ball game! Loker has been surprisingly calm-ish and collected in the backyard…
Stop Addressing the Symptoms

Symptoms may include, but are not limited to: barking jumping digging growling biting pawing These behaviors occur because of a variety of reasons. Instead of digging deeper for the real reasons these behaviors are occurring, dog owners often only want to address the symptoms because those symptoms are what immediately affect the owner’s life. Digging…
Tidy Training

I love reading other blogs, one of my new favorites that I haven’t yet had much time to read yet is one by Mary Hunter. She just graduated with a Masters in Behavior Analysis from the University of North Texas. Her blog is called Stale Cheerios. Her recent article reviewing what she had learned at a…
Video Analysis – Aggressive Pitbull
This video crossed my path recently and it really caught my eye. I sort of saw my old self, although I never used a pet corrector/convincer. His statements about timing and always remaining calm are things I used to say and do as well. If it was the old me, I would say his timing…
15 Must Read Dog Training Articles

When you’re first starting to cross over to positive reinforcement based dog training, its hard to know where to start. Each of these dog training articles will open your mind to what dogs and dog training should be all about. These articles are sure to get you double guessing your beliefs. Enjoy! Is Punishment an…