Over the past year I’ve watched tons of YouTube videos to learn about more positive reinforcement techniques. There are so many dog training videos out there that it is hard to wade through all the techniques that are not backed in science and skill. I’ve put together my top 7 in this blog post to provide you with some new techniques to try out.
1) Leave It (video 1) by KikoPup
2) Building Eye Contact and Attention by Tab 289
3) Invisible Barrier by KikoPup
4) Rear-end Awareness by Shade Whitesel
(Great video demonstrating positive reinforcement training with high-drive puppy!)
5) Head Spin Recall by Pam’s Dog Academy
6) “Gotcha!” by KikoPup
7) Teach Your Dog To “Drop” by Domesticated Manners
(My most favorite video currently as this is how I taught Clark a very reliable drop it cue!)
Have questions about these training videos? I’m happy to answer your questions on my Facebook page!